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Showing posts from February, 2018

Yaay! I FAILED 🎉

In the course of my little but full lifetime, I have failed at so many things. On a regular day, this shouldn't be something I should be able to whisper let alone talk about. (at least that is what society says) but since we're all about #NoOrdinaryConversations, what the heck. I'll blab away... 😊  They say you're only able to connect the dots in retrospect, and looking back at the few, but many years I've spent on planet earth, my dots are quite many. You see, right from when I could remember, I had always wanted to try my hands at a gazillion things. If I wasn't drawing a dress, I was writing some story or article (like what you're currently reading), publishing a magazine or like my recent stunt, attending  culinary school.  My first 'failure'  occurred while I was yet in the university. I had successfully published my first 'dream' magazine, but was unable to continue because I was unable to sell the entirety of the first issue.